First of all you should consider start earning crypto currency "Bitcoin" some idiots call it shit but its not 1 Bitcoin worth more than 450$ atm im writting this tutorial create a wallet at coinbase its like paypal but for bitcoin
Click to join coinbase
do you have skills like GFX skills ? Coding ? you can sell your services.
if you don't have any don't worry i have a method well we can't call it a method but its really good to earn some bitcoin to start on TBN , remember you won't get rich instantly you have to be patient.
Register on a website called hitleap ,
![Click this image to show the full-size version. [IMG]](
Join here
basically hitleap is a traffic exchange when you visit a web page you earn points so you spend those points to make your page being visited by other people
after the registration just install hitleap open it and start surfing you will start earning minutes ( minutes are points to spend on your websites to get visits) The instructions are crystal clear.
![Click this image to show the full-size version. [IMG]](
start earning alot of minutes , then go to skillerz ptp ( ptp is paid to promote each visit on your link gives you a specific amount of points that get converted to money you are going to choose skillerz because it pays in BTC)
register and grab your link and add it in hitleap you will start earning hits and points at the end of the month you will get paid via btc
![Click this image to show the full-size version. [IMG]](
My current earnings in one day after loading alot of minutes
![Click this image to show the full-size version. [IMG]](
Join here
Now how to get a working VCC ( virtual credit card) a VISA and not a mastercard because mastercards linked to your paypal account
in arabic countries won't consider it as verified it will either ask you for a Bank account in the US or a VISA ,i had issues receiving
payments through paypal because it was considerd as not verified after i found E-coin which is wirex now you need to earn like 10$ worth in btc according to converter and then
deposit your btc in Wirex then click get a credit card , fill your real name !! after that you get a working visa card go add it to your paypal account and follow the verification process ( they will take 1$) then congrats your paypal
has been successfully verified !
now after you did some PTP you can do it again and you can accept paypal as payment
increasing your earnings ! now after you got some bucks go to AWS ( amazon web services ) start the trial and get 2 windows servers ( they are like computers that are ON for 24/7 ) you won't be using hitleap on your pc anymore
i suggest you get only 2 servers because hitleap gives only 2 Sessions slot after that start earning hitleap minutes again and start sending hits to your PTP link you will keep getting paid until you get enough money to buy hitleap premium plan and more servers for more sessions remember to do the math !
This video will show you how to signup and getting your EC2 vps for free
Hitleap premium plan contains:
![Click this image to show the full-size version. [IMG]](
by having more slots you get more servers which will boost more and more your current earnings after earning a huge amount of money "it may take time" you can do some methods of the following list and ignore some
Methods that have good earnings: